Your questions answered about VenusFreeze

Larijames has provided VenusFreeze™ Plus for several years, but we still get asked some common questions on the product. So we thought we'd put together this quick FAQ. Venus Freeze makes effective wrinkle reduction easy and accessible to just about anyone. It's completely pain-free and is safe for all skin tones. Curious if Venus Freeze is the right option for you? Read on! 4 FAQs About the Venus Freeze Treatment How Does It Work? The Venus Freeze process may be easy and quick – appointments take only 15 to 30 minutes – but it uses incredibly sophisticated technology to deliver results. During your appointment, a technician will hold a wrinkle reduction device to the treatment area. The devices use multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields that heat your skin to encourage collagen production. Increased collagen will [...]